Akos Hantos

The Shield
of the People


About the Author

Akos Hantos

A fantasy and folklore enthusiast since he was a little boy, Akos grew up on tales of knights, dragons, wraiths, and wisps, on the adventures of downtrodden wizards, and the curious romances of the Arthurian myths. During his teenage years, he started working on a series of stories telling the adventures of a druid and his friend, the heir to the throne of a long line of kings — something that later turned out to be the basis for his own world of fantasy, and subsequently, for his novel, The Shield of the People.

In addition to his undying love for fantasy, Akos also writes poetry and other forms of fiction, mainly short stories. He currently lives in Budapest, Hungary, and works as a copywriter for an IT startup company. In his free time, he plays music on a semi-professional level, and also enjoys his fair share of video games.
Please note that Akos is currently seeking representation for his novel, The Shield of the People.


About the Book

The Shield of the People

The next in line for the throne of Balneor, Thadeon of the Aldeaaris embodies all that people look for in a prince: strong, honorable, just, and dutiful at all times. While he falls short of his little brother, Thamred, when it comes to magic, Thadeon grew up serving the cause of the Alliance of Five, whether it was through diplomacy or war — many times, at the cost of his personal life.

When a gruesome murder shakes the foundations the Alliance was built upon, religious fervor starts dominating Balneor, and Thadeon’s fear of having to leave his loved ones behind again becomes a harsh reality. Sending both his brother and his paramour, Delaine, to safety, he embarks on a journey in an attempt to stop an all-out civil war before it even begins — only to find out that the very people his family most relied on are behind all the treachery that is happening.

Before long, everything spirals out of control, and peace turns out to be a long-lost hope the three cling to while the lives they had previously known are reduced to ashes. Thadeon is faced with a decision between love and duty, Thamred loses a piece of himself in a quest for vengeance, and Delaine uncovers truths many would kill for to keep hidden.


The Fulburius Archives

The lesser known side of Balneor and the world's history, lore, and general records.


Maester Fulburius recounts the long-forgotten tale of the Shade Knights — a group of brave men under the service of the Raladian Kingdom, sent to retrieve the magical relic called The Soulstone, in order to save the world from its destruction.


Maeaster Fulburius revisits the Aldeaari archives for a look at the story of Saleth the Undying, who gave Rethan the Purger, King of Balneor, Sixth of the Aldeaari Kings his famous scar.


Fairy tales, legends, and myths – or simply long lost beasts of the past, driven out by the Holy Order? Maester Fulburius recounts the story of Ashenwing the Last Black, and elaborates on the common scholarly approaches towards magical beasts.


The first entry in Maester Fulburius’ extensive research on the genealogy of the Aldeaari bloodline, detailing the life of Tharien the Aldeaari and the Aldeaari Ascension he brought about.


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